Do You Know If You're An Accredited Investor?

Uncategorized Oct 28, 2021

Remember those bold or italicized blurbs in the margins of our school textbooks? The most important words and phrases grabbed our attention and let us know where to focus. We’re taking a moment today to do the same with a technical term you’ll find around here: 

Accredited Investor

Many of you in our REIG Investor Club had questions about our latest multifamily investment opportunity, which is only open to Accredited Investors. So I thought I would send out this explanation. 🤓


Early in my real estate investment career, I realized that many deals were first (and often only) offered to men who were part of an established network. The reality is that many investments require there to be a “pre-existing relationship” between the sponsor (the person bringing the deal) and the passive investors. I created the REIG Investor Club to provide opportunities to women that they might not otherwise have the time for or access to. 


So, are you an accredited investor? Despite what it might sound like, there's no test to take or certificate to earn to be an accredited investor. Take a quick look at this 84-second video to find out what it means and if you qualify as an accredited investor.

If you’d like to join the REIG Investor Club, there are no fees to enter. Both accredited and non-accredited goddesses are welcome. Your investment goals? They’re ready for you to take action >>> Apply Here


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